Monday, 24 May 2010

MoT Rambles: My Web Web

Right! I am collecting everything that is SR together and getting it all linked, with the view to one day, one far away magical day, getting it all on the same website. Oh the excitement. It is palpable. (tastes like chicken)

I need to sort of mug this blog and get it inline with the overall look of everything else. Anyway!

Todays My Thingie is yet another out of context wee small hours discussion that I drew in a manner to make it look like I have a social life. Don't you hate it when your ex gets more attractive? Except when its you, then its okay. Then its vengence. Anyway he wasn't complaining too hard ;)

Ahh I am trying to do some stuff today to sort out something for next week. Basically I am going to be doing some youtube stuff style my thingie videos (link is to the channel if you feel like subscribing early) . The first one will be up next week, and then I will try and get enough done to upload once a month from now until the end of the year. If I can get more done than that, then there will be more uploaded per week :D We shall see.

Ahh the exercising has gone up a notch, my friend Sunny and I are going to be topless at Leeds pride so we want to look lush, so we can honeytrap some free drinks and stuff. Though given that I can't workout my face and change my scary default expression the chances of people coming up to us are actually pretty slim. Ah well! At least we'll look great. I am also getting closer to my month-of-exercise days picture date. Hee! Trust me, it will be something nice to look at.

Hrrm this is a bit unco-ordinated. I need to remember how to smooth it all into one wonderful and entertaining post. Anyway! I have to wander off now and make provisions so that all my projects are linked together in one big thing. Tahtahfahnah - SR