Wednesday, 10 March 2010

I'm doing several things.

I have several things going on right now.

There are daily updates and linkage over here which should hopefully be entertaining, its entertaining me anyway so -shrug-

I am also found stalking the Tensess server of this game with regularity.

And I can always be found on this game on the Luxplena server around the weekends.

Also my guild's forum is doing stuff. (PM Essar if you register so the person I got adminning doesn't delete you. He has way too much free time and trigger happy finger)

And I am continuing to study.

And I am doing housework and cooking a lot, which is turning into quite a varied collection of recipies which I could post but then I'd have to work out the precise measures of all the ingredients, and usually I am like "just chuck it all in the pan and see what happens". Sa na. Oh and apparently at some point I became a counceller to my brother's friends. I am hoping they forget that I exist soon so I can go back to living peacefully.

Or at least free of prep high school drama.

eff eff ess!

Though I have totally neglected My Thingie and the other comics I used to draw, I will be making time for them soon when I can actually figure out where all the time in the day manages to dissapear off to. One moment I am playing pokemon whilst eating breakfast, and the next moment its eleven pm and I am talking to a gothic geordie boy on the telephone. This time lapse has got to stop.

Though at least I am feeling much better about things.

Ja ne!


Tuesday, 9 March 2010


I got very distracted with life and stuff and had to call a haitus on MY THINGIE (I hate those) but its okay because I'm not going to be an illustrator anymore so I don't have to worry about making a name for myself doing that.

So yeah I kinda promised that I would keep people updated but I totally haven't and I don't know why I promised that given that I don't generally read these kinds of blogs. There's my I quota for today. You're welcome. Ahh man five minutes ago this was totally all happening but now that the computer is infront of me the words have all dissapated. Rubbish.

Btw Heather is still Bein a Wizzard. You should check it out.