Saturday 4 April 2009


I have not been practicing my drawing skills every day. I have not done any life drawing since I left college, because my model is my boyfriend and I keep having sex with him when he is naked: not drawing.

However there is a reason for this.

I have been kicked back so many times in the last year that I now have no idea where I am going, what I am doing, or how I am going to get there. All my motivation has vanished, most recently due to being kicked by an advertiser and then again by some listings and then again by the banks and just BLEH. The real world sucks, why did I want to be a part of this so badly?

I mean aside from the fact that I actually cannot stand the "Student Lifestyle". Heather and Sophie were awesome in college, serious props to my two favourite ladies, Sam the Duke was pretty awesome too... but they were the only people there that I could stand for more than a minute.

Most of the people I know that have gone to university I no longer talk to because I get sick of hearing about how much they drank or who they want to do or why they are unable to hold a relationship or what they want to do in their gap year. I just. Don't. Care.

That aside.

I just need a break man, you know?

Just ONE leg up.

Or maybe even a toe up.


Anyway. Felicity Jone will update on the eleventh though I haven't even started drawing the pages that I am supposed to yet, so its going to be a struggle for the first few months. I need to redo one of the pages for My Thingie next week as its dirrrteh and needs a cleanup, also I have not done much work on Nuffink Doin because I have too much work to do on the others: but would rather waste time. Welcome to my life.

Its hilarious is it not?

Well I find it funny - xoxox Ree

1 comment:

  1. ESSAY TIME if you have definitely made your mind up about foundation/uni then you might wanna [/disregardentirecomment]


    I do think that since you seem to be pretty serious about the Illustration/comic thing, you should give foundation a go and think about following it up with a degree. You said you didn't have the grades for foundation but there's people on the course who fucked up their A levels. I don't know what you got in the end but all the tutors know that grades aren't necessarily a reflection on quality of work. I mean I don't know what situation you're in this year, have you had a job? Are you still living in Northwich? That place is not a motivational environment for anyone :S (and when I ask about jobs, I'm not out to be judgmental believe me, I've never had one myself)

    But yeah I reckon if you tried foundation, you'd at least have the deadlines and structure, and the trick is not to stress over projects too much... I still worry but not to the point where I absolutely can not do any work like in first year. Just have faith in yourself that you will pull it together at the last minute! Works for me haha

    I think a lot of people into the more traditional drawing side of things tend to detest BTEC art diplomas because you're encouraged to abstract everything and dig deep into "creative processes". 2nd year ND especially I just tried to loosen up and unlearn bad habits and tried to be less set in my ways, so that this year I've pulled it together and incorporated a lot more of my own interests and drawing.

    I'm not interested in the standard uni life either, to be honest I'm dreading fresher's week but I'd rather just throw myself head first into the unknown, I'm not the most extrovert person in the world as you know, but I'd rather push myself while I'm still young rather than staying at home like my dad seems to expect me to, thinking what if? all the time. I also know that doing a degree will open more doors than trying to motivate myself at home ever will, even if the arts are a bit sketchy, for want of a better word.

    But anyway I hope this came across as !MOTIVATIONAL! and not just presumptuous or something. Trying to ignite a spark here! Help me out :|
