Friday 13 March 2009

Totally Demotivated?

Well, not totally, but pretty close to it. I don't know why, but I just feel so stressed right now, its like, someone is sat on my chest. But they are not because that would be wierd. And make it really hard to draw. Like, seriously.


Yes I do not know.

Well I suppose I am not totally demotivated, but when I read things like "Oh I am ONLY getting TEN THOUSAND HITS A DAY" or "OH MY ADS ARE ONLY WORTH LIKE FIVE BUCKS" it starts to irritate me into inaction. Personally I would literally LOVE to have ten thousand hits per day, and five bucks a day? Dude thats schweet. My annual income is currently less then a homeless person, no joke. I am probably going to be living here for the next TEN YEARS. I would flash your mom for five bucks a day. Well not really. If I haven't made any money by christmas then maybe.


How would that work? I mean, would you pay for that on paypal, or would that be like a pay-per-view or a subscription or what? Is it porn if its flashing? Or just tongue-in-cheek sillyness.

Is anyone actually aroused by that anymore?


Comment me up! I'm sure enquiring minds want to know O.o


  1. bleh, i know what you mean. .__.
    I get so pissed off when people bitch and whine about only having HUNDREDS of fans D8<
    Or when they become "so popular that they can't handle the stress"...
    And Flash at my mum all you like! Just be prepared to have many of your limbs dislocated and body parts placed in disturbing areas by her rugby-playing boyfriend! XD XD XD

  2. I'm joining to the homeless club
